Based on the information provided from the Ministry of Education of Quebec, we decided to meld the pillars we used on our website and elements of Ethical Citizenship as defined by the Government. The following is an organization chart for the topics and sub topics.
Based on the work of Mike Ribble and his nine pillars of digital citizenship, our original web site was designed with monthly themes and lessons for each theme. When the MEQ launched their Digital Action Plan (DAP), four elements emerged , namely Understanding the Issues, Ethical Implication, Behaving Ethically, and Impact on Physical & Psychological Well-Being. We re-structured our new site combining both, the DAP elements with the pillars by Mike Ribble.
A special thanks to our original team of teachers who worked to vet and select what they deemed the best lessons for each pillar/element.
Danika Buzza (PETES), Dan Curley (D’Arcy McGee High School), Jennifer Davies (Board Librarian), Mireille Desjardin (Lord Aylmer), Lisa Diner (RÉCIT), Christine Gevry (South Hull), Lynne Hamilton (South Hull), Wendy Hamilton (PETES), Jamie Kallilo (Queen Elizabeth), Jordan Kent (Pontiac High School), Nadine Malloy (Symmes Jr High School), Paul McAneney (D’Arcy McGee High School), Christine Potvin (Lord Aylmer), Sunglee Randall (Board Librarian), Nadine Reason (St Michael’s High School), Heather Riosa (PETES), Pat Rowat (Board Librarian), Christine Potvin (Lord Aylmer), Jennifer Seely (Pontiac High School), Jessica Simon (Lord Aylmer), Caroline Turcotte ( French Consultant), Rick Young (Symmes Jr High School), Helen Vamvakas (Wakefield School),