1. This is a tutorial for WQSB students and teachers of how to login to the special exam condition accounts and use Read&Write during examinations.
It is recommended to click the button with the dashed box to view the tutorial fullscreen.
2. The default format is a click-through, interactive tutorial in English, but you can change the format using the first button in the toolbar below. You can also click on the settings icon (gear) in this same toolbar to switch the language.
3. Click User name and type in your school-specific special exam condition login. For example at D'Arcy Symmes, type DSSC.
4. Click Password then type in the special exam condition account password.
5. Click Continue (right arrow)
6. Windows will now sign into the school-specific special exam condition account.
7. Students are now logged into the school-specific Special Exam Condition Windows profile. This blocks access to any programs except the following: Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader (for PDFs), Read&Write and WordQ (for IEP accommodations)
8. The USB ports on the computer can also be accessed through the desktop shortcuts.
9. For those that will be using Read&Write for IEP accommodations, double-click the Read&Write desktop shortcut.
10. The Read&Write toolbar will open. This functions the same way as the Chrome extension that students access for day-to-day use. The only difference is that some functions are limited during exam use.
11. If students need to change voice settings (for adjusting the specific voice, speed, or reading languge), click Settings (three lines icon).
12. Students can adjust the Voice speed from this window.
13. To change the voice, click on the default voice, US Ava - Vocalizer.
14. Here you can choose your preferred voice based on the language of your exam. In this example click French Canadian Amelie - Vocalizer.
15. Open your exam document from its stored location.
16. Here we see a Microsoft Word examination document open. The Read&Write toolbar will sit above the Microsoft Word interface.
17. To start hearing the examination read to you, click Play (triangular play icon).
18. Read&Write will start reading the text of the examination booklet using the voice settings you previously configured.
19. You can pause or stop the text-to-speech reading of the booklet using the pause and stop icons.
20. If you want to focus on only one portion of text in the document at a time, click Screen Masking (monitor with line icon).
21. Click on Screen Masking Settings (gear icon) to configure.
22. Choose your preferred screen masking format. In this example, click Underline cursor.
23. Set your preferred colour, opacity, and line height here.
24. Click Close (X) once the Screen Masking settings are configured to your liking.
25. Here we can see the screen masking bar that was configured in the previous steps.
26. Click Screen Masking again to turn off the feature.
27. If your exam booklet is in PDF format, it will open in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. The Read&Write toolbar will again sit above the document.
28. To have text read in a PDF examination booklet, click on Screenshot Reader (dotted square with cursor icon).
29. Click and drag a box over the text that you want to have read.
30. Read&Write will begin reading the text from the PDF document using the voice settings you configured.
31. Again, you can pause or stop the reading using these icons.
That's it. You're done!