- The harmful effects and prevention of cyberbullying
- Online netiquette
- Use of technology to attack a person’s character.
- Make inappropriate comments about others/libel.
- Messages and/or photos that hurt others emotionally and psychologically
- Report and legal implications
- Determine levels of intervention for cyberbullying
The Lessons
- Kindergarten-Cycle 1
- Hectors World (Kindergarten)
- Bad Netiquette Stinks (Cycle 1.1)
- Screen out mean (PC2.2) (Cycle 1.2)
- Cycle 2
- Screen out mean (PC2.2) (Cycle 1.2)
- Power of Words
- Cybersafety
- Online Safety – Cyberbullying (Lesson plan created by WQSB)
- Cycle 3
- Secondary Cycle 1
- Secondary Cycle 2
- Français
- Une représentation de soi-même en ligne (1ere et 4e années)
- Introduction a la cyber intimidation, avatars et identité (5e – 6E années)
- Branché sur le positif (5e – 11e années)