Before the lesson: Introduce the Digital Citizens characters by having students complete the Coloring Book. Each character represents one of the six digital citizenship topics.
Students consider the feelings of themselves and others when making decisions about when, where, and how much to use technology.
10 mins.
Before the lesson: Introduce the Digital Citizens characters by having students complete the Coloring Book. Each character represents one of the six digital citizenship topics.
Invite students to respond. Answers will vary, but emphasize that sometimes what we’re doing online is so fun that it’s easy to lose track of time. That’s why it’s important to stop and notice when people and other fun things are happening in real life around us.
Project Slide 4 and define device as an electronic piece of equipment like a phone, tablet, or laptop.
Ask: What does it mean to be in balance?
Invite students to share out. Project Slide 5 and define balance as having equal weight or importance of something. In this case, that means keeping online and offline activities equal or in the “right” amount for you.
As the video plays, model the dance moves in the chorus and encourage students to join!
Chorus 1:
Balance is important [Hold arms out long like a balance scale and teeter, totter a bit]
For me and you and you [Point to self and then point left and right]
Balance helps us stand up straight [Bend knees and then stand up straight]
And keeps us in our shoes [Point to feet]
Chorus 2:
Balance is important [Hold arms out long like a balance scale and teeter, totter a bit]
For me and you and you [Point to self and then point left and right]
Your Heart, your Head, your Arms and your Legs [Point to each body part]
Need that balance, too [Hold arms out long like a balance scale and teeter, totter a bit]
10 mins.
For slides 7-10, project each slide, read aloud the question, and have students pair-share. Then invite students to share with the class. This can also be done as a whole-group discussion instead.
Refer to the following suggested answers to guide the discussion:
5 mins.