Project Slide 4 and define the internet as a worldwide network that connects people using computers, phones, or other devices.
Ask: What is the internet? How would you describe the internet to a younger sibling, cousin, or friend? (Slide 3)
Invite students to share.
Project Slide 4 and define the internet as a worldwide network that connects people using computers, phones, or other devices.
Ask: Is the internet a place?
Encourage all student responses, but point out that while the internet is not a physical place that you can visit, like a playground or the zoo, it’s made up of real people who can interact with one another through devices — even when they are not in the same place.
Learn: How Are We Connected? 10 mins.
Project Slide 6 and explain that the first ring of connection is the student him or herself.
Project Slide 8 and define community as people who share a common neighborhood, background, or interest.
Invite students to think of people who are a part of their community and record their responses on Slide 9.
Encourage students to list people they personally know and interact with on a regular basis. This can include family and friends, like their mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, uncle, etc. But it can also include people who they don’t know well but who they interact with sometimes (e.g., shopkeeper, dentist, soccer coach, mail carrier, neighbors, etc.).
Invite students to respond and jot down their responses on Slide 11. Guide students to think about people they have heard of or seen online (or on TV) but haven’t met face-to face or know personally.
Possible responses include:
Explore: Online Connections – 10 mins.
Invite students to share their lists with a partner. Emphasize that the people in their community are those they know personally and have met face-to-face, while the world consists of everyone else who they don’t know personally.
Allow students to complete the second column of both charts. Offer examples of ways people can communicate with those in their community and world if students are stuck.
How we connect with our community online:
How we connect with the world online:
Invite students to share out their answers and be sure to mention the ones listed above if they aren’t included in the responses.
Invite students to pair-share and then call on students to share with the class.
Emphasize that they have more direct communication and interactions with people in their community than they do with people in the world. They won’t directly communicate with people in the world, but instead will be able to watch and read about them online.
Reflect: Pause & Think Moment – 5 mins.
Send home the Family Activity and Family Tips.